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Moving with Pets – How to Prepare for a Stress-Free Move

EMG • Feb 23, 2023

Moving to a new home can be difficult, stressful and overwhelming. Moving with pets becomes even more complicated. That’s why A-Z Movers wants to help make your move easy and stress-free as possible with these tips on how to prepare your pet for the big move. 

The First Step Is Planning Ahead

Moving with pets is all about planning ahead. Before you start packing your bags, you should start by researching pet laws in your new city or town. Make sure that all of your pet’s vaccinations are up-to-date and that they have an ID tag with their name and contact information on it. Also keep in mind that some forms of transportation—like planes—have restrictions regarding which types of animals they will transport.

Getting Ready for the Move

Once you’ve researched local laws and regulations, it’s time to get ready for the move itself. Start by creating a special “pet bag” containing food, water bottles, toys, bedding, treats and any other items or supplies that will make your pet feel comfortable during the move. You should also consider whether or not it would be best to board your pet while you’re on the road — talking to a veterinarian might help give you some insight into what would be best for them during this process.

Cute Dog Sitting on Roadside | West Springfield, MA | A to Z Moving & Storage

On Moving Day

When moving day arrives, it’s important to remember that keeping your pet calm is key — so try to limit their exposure to loud noises (like hammering from movers) and chaotic activity. If possible, keep them in a quiet room away from all of the hustle and bustle, preferably one without furniture being moved around so as not to confuse them further or cause them distress. During long car rides between homes, if possible, crate train them beforehand so that they feel safe during transport – it is important to give them enough breaks along the way so they don’t become too anxious or overwhelmed! Finally – don’t forget those treats! They work wonders when helping your pet adjust to their new home! 

Moving can be stressful enough without having to worry about how your pet will handle things too! With these tips from A-Z Movers, we hope we’ve made things easier for both you and your furry friend as you take this journey together! As always – if there’s anything else we can do for you – please let us know ! We’re here every step of the way making sure moves are smooth sailing for everyone involved! Good luck! 

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